Blog Archive

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Revenge Friday #3

Hello darlings, 

I hope you have had a good week!

Revenge Friday (18th Nov)

For revenge Friday I went to the hairdressers for a haircut. I heard something once that was like -never write something on your to-do list that takes under 2 minutes, do it immediately- which is actually quite helpful. To explain: sometimes it is the small tasks such as booking a hairdressers appointment or responding to an email, that make you feel like so productive- the quick wins add up. Anyway, my hair looked so cute, the hairdresser styled it like Jennifer Aniston's hair and I am now tempted to get hair straighteners.

On a similar sentiment I also booked a trip to Berlin after Christmas. I would love to be someone that travels but like I am quite indecisive (I think it is a Gemini thing) about where I want to go. I never know what date I want to go and when I do decide, it is so last minute the prices for flights are through the roof. I tried to plan an itinerary (I wanted to go to Nepal) for traveling when I finished sixth form and it was so tricky coordinating it, cannot make up my bloody mind, the overwhelm got like too much and I did not book anything. But anyway, I have decided to go to Berlin on my own, I have been there a few times but going on my own I think will be really fun. I am building myself up and at some point, I will do a complicated trip. 

I've been doing a bit of running which is going quite well, I am making progress although it is like freezing outside so I might be not running as much over winter. 

Agenda Page

It is really good motivation to like write down your successes. So, I have a page in my planner that I jot down any sort of things I have achieved in 2022. They don't have to be really big they could be smaller things or anything where you stepped out of your comfort zone. It definitely boosts confidence. I made this page in my planner a few months ago and on the other side are some pointers for things I want to achieve that year. It is quite nice to look at every so often.

Film Festival

I went to a film festival at the weekend because my lecturer was an interviewer for a Q&A about a documentary. It was really interesting. So, the documentary made by Mariam Ghani, was about five unfinished films (filmed 1978-1992) from the Afgan Films archive that were thought to have been burnt or destroyed in 1996 by the Taliban. Yeah, it was really interesting watching the documentary and hearing about how the documentary came about; very impressive venture.

I need to do more culture things at the weekend and on revenge friday.

Revenge Shoe and Quote

I am not one for like novelty things but I saw these heels on my feed and I thought they were pretty adorable. Juts picture a romantic restaurant and you're wearing a plunging neckline LBD and on your feet you have these. 


It is quite hard to find like inspiring quotes that aren't cringy. Anyway, I quite like this.

Lots of love

Happy Hippo x

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