Blog Archive

Friday 23 August 2024

Revenge Friday: Gut feelings don't exist, Summery Days Out and Life

Hello darlings

I hope you are doing well and have some nice plans for the bank holiday. I had quite a chill week. I was at work on Friday but I have had some time this week to do some fun summer days out.

What I have been up to

Charity shop brunch day: I popped to the highstreet one day this week to do some errands. I got some brunch. I went for a matcha and toasted sandwich. There are over 8 charity shops and once a month I try to do a charity shop run. I picked up this adorable dress which tbh I could wear to work or on a date with my partner- with some espadrilles or some ballet flats it will be sooo cute.

My back camera has broken lol, so I had to take a selfie next to a mirror- I must have just forgotten self timer exists.

Serpentine Gallery: I went to the Serpentine last Sunday (I think- the days are sort of bleeding into each other) which is always a summery vibe. The gallery is in two buildings; in the South Gallery they have Yinka Shonibare's Suspended States exhibition and in the North Gallery they have Judy Chicago: Revelations. Both exhibitions are worth a visit (they are also free entry) but Judy Chicago was particularly amazing and an artist I wasn't familiar with. In the Serpentine they have their yearly summer pavilion... it wasn't my favourite.

They also had a Yayoi Kusama Pumpkin in Hyde Park. 

Defo go to the Serpentine before summer ends; I think both exhibitions are ending early September. I grabbed some sushi to eat in the park and it was really zen.

The Biba Story (Fashion and Textile Museum): My mum and I went to the Fashion and Textile museum to go to the Biba exhibition. Biba was like a fashion and lifestyle boutique in the 60's and 70's which tbh was quite short lived. The exhibition was interesting but I did sort of have more questions than answers, like it didn't really explain why it closed down. I also wish they made it feel like you were in a Biba boutique. Exhibition was really interesting; some of the clothes were gorgeous. I think I defo would have shopped there if I was born 50 years earlier.

 After visiting the exhibition I had a browse down Bermondsey street and I went for a matcha latte at Fuckoffee. I really like Bermondsey street ugh I wish I could live there.

Can we really trust our gut? No, not if you have anxiety.

I don’t know if I will be able to articulate this but I was thinking about the idea of gut feelings or gut instinct. When talking about gut feeling people are normally talking about a bad gut feeling: the feeling that a situation, something or someone is bad or dangerous. A gut feeling is often portrayed as a premonition. On social media we hear stories of people who had a gut feeling who heroically acted on it or fatally didn’t. Or we hear guru’s who tell us to be aligned with our gut and to always trust our gut feelings.

Gut feelings don’t exist. We can have a bad feeling about something or someone, but it is based on the evidence in front of us however subtle that is. Do premonitions exist? I don’t think so. Now you might disagree with me. The truth is though if you have anxiety you need to forget the idea of a ‘gut feeling’ because a ‘gut feeling’ (whatever that is) feels like anxiety vice versa. Anxiety is going to present itself as a sort of premonition- ‘I have a feeling something terrible is going to happen today’ or ‘I think I am going to die in a car crash today’.

I just want to reassure you that it is not your responsibility to live by your gut or be in tune with your gut. You live with the logic in your head and hope for the best. It is quite bold for me to say ‘don’t trust your gut’ because it goes so against what we have been told but the idea of a gut feeling is going to keep you trapped and confused.

Revenge Friday

I left work at like 15:00 and I hadn't eaten since breakfast- I was about to drop. So, I grabbed myself a mezze platter from a Turkish restaurant which was really good. Anyway, I went home and rotted on my bed for two hours.

I said I would read 5 books this summer and I have managed to complete one today so four more to go. I probably need to speed it up a bit lol.

Okay have a fabulous week. 


Happy hippo x

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